Wednesday, September 4, 2019


Watch the video then answer below questions
1-What do you think is the impact of the plastic bags on land. under water, and our health?
2-Do you think plastic bags should be banned in Egypt? why? how?
3-What is the alternative for using plastic bags? is it higher in cost or lower in cost than the cost of the plastic bags.
4-search for evidences that ensure the harm of using plastic bags, post the links it could be websites, pictures, or even videos.
5-What diseases can be formed by the plastic pollution?
6- visit different markets take pictures for the ones using other type of bags that are friendly to the environment.
post your pictures here
7-make a statistical graph for the number of years and plastic consuming among different cities located in different content. screenshot your graph and post it here.
8-find according to country location and economic status the worst country suffering from plastic pollution and the worst water spot suffers from plastic pollution.find the reason behind being so plastic polluted.
9- Brain storm for solutions taken by governments and individuals to eliminate the plastic pollution.